30+ PPC Stats Every Marketer Needs to Know

Is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing Difficult To Master?

Table of Contents

You may have heard of PPC marketing and are looking to learn more. Or, you may be
familiar with the process but unsure how to implement PPC into your marketing strategy.

PPC can boost online traffic to your business, help generate leads, and ultimately increase
sales. However, as with all marketing campaigns, there is a steep learning curve.

Read on to find out how to begin your PPC campaign.

Key Points To Take Away

● PPC campaigns produce instant results. Once your ads are approved, they will be
shown to prospective customers straight away.
● PPC campaigns are precise. Your ads can target specific demographics, allowing
you to maximise your return on investment (ROI).
● PPC campaigns are measurable. Platforms such as Google offer in-depth metrics
on ad performance. You can easily see what is working and what isn’t and make
necessary adjustments to boost conversation rates.

Starting Your Campaign

There are numerous PPC advertising systems but Google Ads is the most popular. Billions
of searches are performed every second on Google, producing search engine results pages

By implementing an effective PPC marketing strategy, your ads should appear on SERPs
when a relevant Google search is initiated. To reach this stage, you’ll first need to bid on ad
placements related to certain keywords.

Forming Your Strategy

There are several steps to take before your ad goes live. Outlined below are the key
components of forming your PPC marketing strategy:

Focussing on a Key Objective

Let’s say your business is a personal injury law firm. Your key objective may be to attract
more clients who have been injured in road traffic collisions.

Capturing Your Target Audience

Once you have decided on your key objective, you can narrow down your target audience.

For example, you may want to focus your ads on cyclists who have been injured in London.

Setting Your Budget

You can set your daily budget to the desired amount. This will depend on how much money
a click can bring in. For example, if you pay £3 per click, but make £300 per consultation, the
campaign could be very profitable.

Input Your Landing Page

Your landing page is the page that customers end up on after clicking on the ad. This is an
essential part of your campaign. Not only do you want people to click on your ad, but you
want clicks to convert into sales.

Your landing page must reassure visitors that they have come to the right place. It should
contain your unique selling proposition (USP). In other words, why customers should choose
your business over any other brand.

You also want to include a direct call to action (CTA) such as “buy now” or “schedule a

Creating Your Ad

Your ad can consist of text, images, video, or a combination of media. What matters is that it
is attention-grabbing and offers a solution to consumers.

You also want your ad to contain a CTA. For example, “Call now” or “Schedule an
appointment”. A direct call to action will help convert impressions into clicks.

The Importance of Keyword Research

All successful ad campaigns start with keyword research. You want to think carefully about
words and short phrases that are relevant to your business. What are your ideal customers
likely to be searching for on Google?

Here are two important points to remember:

Relevant Keywords

Attracting the attention of customers is a good start, but you want your ads to convert to
sales. To do this, your keywords must closely relate to the products and services that your
business offers.

Long-Tail Keywords

While relevance is crucial in keyword research, short and popular keywords are competitive
and more expensive. For instance, using the law example, “London solicitor”, “bicycle
accidents” and “personal injury” are all highly competitive keywords.

This is why it’s important to include long-tail keywords in your strategy. Long-tail keywords
are specific and target your niche. For instance, you may attract more traffic by using
long-tail keywords like “pursue compensation after a bicycle accident”.

Using keyword tools is a great way to generate keyword lists.

Ad Campaigns Must Be Dynamic

Once your ad campaign is live, it’s important to conduct regular performance reviews. An ad
campaign may start well, but lose effectiveness as time goes on. Continuous analysis can
help you measure ad performance and implement improvements.

To optimise your ad campaign, consider the following steps:

Adding New Keywords

Adding new PPC keywords at regular intervals can help optimise your campaign. As long as
the keywords are relevant to your business and not too competitive, your business can
continue to expand its reach.

Adding Negative Keywords

Refining keywords can be just as important as adding keywords. You want your ads to be
shown to customers who intend to buy your products or services.
Adding negative keywords allows you to prevent your ads from being shown when certain
words or phrases are used in a search. Under-performing and irrelevant keywords can be
shut off altogether if necessary.

Modifying Landing Pages

Keywords are just one aspect of an effective ad campaign. Ultimately, the content and CTAs
on your landing page will decide whether or not clicks convert into sales.

Quality of traffic is more important than quantity, and your landing pages must align with
search queries.


For businesses looking to expand their customer base, PPC campaigns are an effective
marketing tool.

Ads can produce instant results, driving traffic to websites and converting
clicks into tangible sales.

An effective PPC marketing strategy allows businesses from all sectors to remain
competitive in today’s digital landscape.


  • Alistair Knight

    Since 2017, Alistair has been immersed in the digital marketing world. His experience spans across leading brands like IG Group, Russell Investments, Tech.co, and Website Builder Expert, among others. Alistair decided that it's time to give back by building the soon to be largest digital marketing agency in the UK -> OKETTI. In his spare time, Al enjoys reading history, bouldering, and spending time with his family. Alistair aims to connect curious online minds with insights from experts, making a global impact. However, the experts we hire never describe themselves as experts because we know that there is always more one can learn.

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