How to Build a Copywriting Portfolio with No Experience

How to Build a Copywriting Portfolio with No Experience [5 Actionable Tips]

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Let me say this out loud for the doubters and the naysayers – you can build a kick-ass copywriting portfolio without experience.

I did it back when I was starting my career as a writer, even though the number of people I had previously worked with was zero.

Here’s how you can do the same:

Tip # 1: Ask around in your circle

Do you have a family member or a friend with a business? If so, you don’t need to read the tips mentioned below.

Approach them and ask whether they need help with a newsletter, email, content for their website, or whatever content they use to reach their audience.

The work you’d be doing for them would become the much-needed sample you need to land your first gig as a copywriter.

And the best part of this deal? You’d be honing your marketing skills without putting yourself under the pressure of a paid job, knowing that your work could make a difference in the life of a dear one.

Tip # 2: Ask local businesses if they need help

If there’s no one in your circle for whom you can write, then it’s time to scour your area for a local business.

Once you have found a business in need of free (but quality) content, offer them your services in return for a testimonial.

There are many local businesses out there crying for help, because they don’t (yet) have the funds to pay big bucks to a professional copywriter.

By offering them your services, you’d be laying a solid foundation for your copywriting career and helping your local community. A win-win situation for everyone involved!

Tip # 3: Create speculative work

If the above tips don’t work for you, it’s time to put your imagination to work to demonstrate your skills.

Start by identifying niches or industries that you have knowledge about or are interested in working. Next, brainstorm topics or themes that are relevant to that industry and which you know about. Finally, create content revolving around those topics that you have come up with.

For example, let’s assume for a moment that you’re a tech nerd with above-average knowledge of smart-home devices. You can write an informative blog post about how these devices improve users’ quality of life.

Similarly, anyone who takes their fitness seriously might want to create a 30-day wellness challenge. It could revolve around motivational posts encouraging the readers to participate in daily activities that could improve their well-being.

Tip # 4: Utilize freelancing platforms

Ready to scrap the bottom of the barrel? If so, consider establishing profiles on popular freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer.

These platforms attract clients seeking bargain-basement solutions, though you could always land a big fish after gaining some experience.

Be aware that the compensation for your work on these platforms may be considerably less than what freelance copywriters negotiating directly with clients are earning.

Nevertheless, as you embark on your copywriting journey, your initial focus on garnering positive reviews for your services will likely be achievable here.

Tip # 5: Write on X (formerly Twitter)

Back when I was just starting my career in 2011, many people I look up to advised newbies like myself to start a blog.

Doing that, the thinking went back then, was one of the best ways to get my content across people who were interested in it.

Fast forward to today, and building a blog and getting it on the first page of Google (which is where most of the eyeballs are) isn’t that easy.

Proliferation of AI-written content, importance of backlinks (which are notoriously difficult to acquire) and Google’s algorithm prioritizing old domains over new ones have all made it difficult for new blogs to rank.

Which is why I recommend to people who are where I was back then to start posting regularly on X, one of the best platforms to build a mass audience without having to spend a fortune.

Sure, gaining a sizeable following on Xwould take time, but if you carefully curate your content, use relevant hashtags, and reply to big accounts in your industry, even a small number of followers would open many doors.


Remember that it’s possible to build a copywriting portfolio with no experience, just as it’s possible to land clients with no samples. All you need is act on the right piece of advice, which is what we’ve offered.

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  • Alistair Knight

    Since 2017, Alistair has been immersed in the digital marketing world. His experience spans across leading brands like IG Group, Russell Investments,, and Website Builder Expert, among others. Alistair decided that it's time to give back by building the soon to be largest digital marketing agency in the UK -> OKETTI. In his spare time, Al enjoys reading history, bouldering, and spending time with his family. Alistair aims to connect curious online minds with insights from experts, making a global impact. However, the experts we hire never describe themselves as experts because we know that there is always more one can learn.

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